Latest edition


What’s Cape Town Intentional Airport planning for 2015?

Our roving videographer Robin Rabec brings you the latest update..

Iris – Aftermath of the Engine Fire

Iris McCallum continues her stories about her early years with Air Kenya. This month she tells us about the immediate aftermath of her dramatic engine fire and crash, and her subsequent ‘getting back onto the saddle’. My passengers and I got safely out and away from the burning aircraft, and

Make Aviation Great Again – It’s time to turn back.

Peter Garrison How wonderful it is to have an incoming president who is, by his own admission, a leading, if not the leading, world authority on most subjects. The guidance he once tweeted regarding the excessive complexity of aeroplanes should be taken to heart by every pilot, passenger, and engine

2025 – Winners and losers

In South Africa it’s been another bleak year. As I write this in early December, many people seem to be shaking their heads and wondering what the hell is going on. But in the rest of the world, things are literally going bananas. Wars Wars are big bad news –

Opening Shot

Opening Shot This amazing  photo of a SAAF Gripen blasting through the gloaming off the west coast was taken by the pilot of another Gripen. The subject aircraft engaged its afterburner and lit up the evening sky while the other pilot caught this amazing image with his iPhone 6. Any


Jim Davis Most of us feel a bit edgy when the ASI creeps down within 10 KIAS of the stall. Jim Davis has some hints on how to be comfortable and in control – even when the airspeed is 20 KIAS below the stall. The nose of our Twin Comanche

Flying the Fabulous Hawker Hunter

Ron Wheeldon with Guy Leitch Flying a Hunter starts hours before actually walking out to the aircraft. This machine is a legend, but it is first of all about the highest performance machine that it is feasible for a civilian to fly. Flying it is not to be taken lightly.

Airline CEO Insights: Burning Issues

At the recent Airlines Association of Southern Africa annual conference, Guy Leitch took the opportunity to canvass the various regional airline C-suite executives about what the burning issues are that their particular airlines face. The current CEO of Air Zimbabwe, Edmund Makona, likes to quote a previous IATA Director General,

Flightcom Magazine

Training and Gifting Supplements

Government has nothing to show for SAA, says Guy



Exercise 8 – DESCENDING

Jim Davis Descending is a remarkably complicated subject and us overworked instructors have to be able to field all manner of questions about it. To ease you gently into it – here’s the story about Joe’s picture. It was 1964 when I clambered on to an SAA Skymaster at Eros

Air shows and events

Sun n Fun Report

Laura McDermid Whenever the annual calendar of events is put together at the beginning of the year,  October always seems like a million miles away. And so inevitably the EAA Sun ‘n Fun fly-in arrives far sooner than anticipated. The Spar up the road from where I live is already