John Bassi In the previous article, I drove home the chaos and stress that one faces during routine bush operations. Fortunately, not the norm, but every so often a Light Sport Aircraft goes down into the bush, into unsuitable landing sites. The fact that the crews walk away is testimonyRead More →

Pre takeoff Vital Actions As our pupe is approaches the holding point she must decide how to park. There are many conflicting priorities. This is where airmanship shows. You have covered these points in your preflight briefing, so let her decide where to stop and which way to face. Low-wingRead More →

Steve Trichard continues his story on Russia’s massive super-heavy helicopters Although the Mil V-12 was the largest helicopter ever built, it never went into production, with only two prototypes constructed. The requirement for a heavy-lift helicopter therefore still existed. The Mi-6 design was by then 25 years old and soRead More →

Laura McDermid continues her stories about Iris McCallum’s early years in East Africa and the Sudan. The year was 1980 and, despite Kenya achieving independence in 1963, the British influence persisted. Fascination with the country was at an all-time high. Many Britons were familiar with the exotic wildlife and scenicRead More →

Laura McDermid A quick Google search of ‘Linda Sollars’ brings up a plethora of articles detailing the remarkable journey of this petite dynamo. Notably, she flew from Johannesburg to Oshkosh in N915HW, the inaugural Sling High Wing, which she built from the kit at Sling Aircraft  in Tedderfield. For mostRead More →

The V-tail Bonanza is an excellent aircraft that developed a completely unjustified reputation as a ‘Doctor Killer’. The only aircraft that came near to earning the same reputation was the Piper Malibu/Mirage series. As the former owner of a vintage G35 model V-tail Bonanza, ZS-DOB, I always pay attention whenRead More →

Addressing the IATA annual general meeting in Dubai in June, Willie Walsh, the IATA Director General said that globally airlines performed well in 2023 with improved profitability. It was also the safest ever year – and a key thrust for the future is the drive towards net zero carbon emissionsRead More →