Peter Garrison The Staggerwing was the climax, and the end, of an era. Late in 1932, the newly formed Beech Aircraft Company flew its first product, a five-seat biplane with a 420-hp radial engine and fixed landing gear enclosed in huge fairings. Walter Beech gave it model number 17, sinceRead More →

Peter Garrison An explanation is a collage in which bits and pieces of the familiar combine to make an image of the unfamiliar. The more obscure the thing being explained, the more numerous and remote the elements that comprise the explanation. It’s a wonder we understand anything at all. IRead More →

Peter Garrison Someone once suggested that if you want to know how you would feel crossing an ocean in a single-engine aeroplane, you should just fly out to sea for a couple of hours and then turn around and come back. There’s something about being out of sight of landRead More →