FAR TOO CASUAL This discussion is to promote safety and not to establish liability. The CAA’s report contains padding and repetition, so in the interest of clarity, I have paraphrased extensively. Aircraft registration:                      ZS-LVC Date of accident:                             8 April 2004 Time of accident                             0730Z Type of aircraft:                             Read More →

The V-tail Bonanza is an excellent aircraft that developed a completely unjustified reputation as a ‘Doctor Killer’. The only aircraft that came near to earning the same reputation was the Piper Malibu/Mirage series. As the former owner of a vintage G35 model V-tail Bonanza, ZS-DOB, I always pay attention whenRead More →

Jim Davis This discussion is to promote safety and not to establish liability. CAA’s report contains padding and repetition so, in the interest of clarity, I have paraphrased extensively. Date and Time of Accident:            15 September 2013 1030Z Aircraft Registration:                        ZS-DWJ Type of Aircraft:                                Piper Cherokee 235Read More →

Twin Training Troubles – Twice This discussion is to promote safety and not to establish liability. CAA’s report contains padding and repetition, so in the interest of clarity, I have paraphrased extensively. Aircraft registration:                   ZS-FET Aircraft owner                           Cape Aero Club Date and time of accident:         25 April 2006; 1200ZRead More →


Pilots seem to be finding new ways to kill themselves. In the bad old days, the Christmas holidays always featured a couple of fatal accidents where pilots, usually flying from the Highveld, pushed their luck with the weather over the escarpment and ended up smeared across implacable rocks. These areRead More →

Bonanza Wheels-up While Training This discussion is to promote safety and not to establish liability. CAA’s report contains padding and repetition, so in the interest of clarity, I have paraphrased extensively. Date and time                                 20 January 2017 at about 1447Z Aircraft registration                       ZS-JBE  Aircraft model                                 Beechcraft BonanzaRead More →