Guy Leitch In  strong contrast to the South African Civil Aviation Authority’s obstructionism, aviation history was made when veteran South African airshow performer Milne “CC” Pocock received FAA-approval for the first-ever laser show from an aircraft. CC Pocock was driven out of South Africa by overzealous and overreaching CAA inspectorsRead More →

Ron Wheeldon owns not one, but two, Hunters a single seat J-4059 and the subject of this review, his his two seater, ZU-HUN, an ex-Swiss Air Force T.68, number J-4202. J-4202 was originally built as an F.4 for the RAF and served with 3 and 111 Squadrons plus 229 OCURead More →

Laura McDermid Whenever the annual calendar of events is put together at the beginning of the year,  October always seems like a million miles away. And so inevitably the EAA Sun ‘n Fun fly-in arrives far sooner than anticipated. The Spar up the road from where I live is alreadyRead More →

Laura McDermid continues her stories about Iris McCallum’s early years in East Africa. When the Kenyan Police Air Wing could not fulfil a mission, they would charter Air Kenya. As a result I had the great fortune of discovering remote places like Garissa, Wajir, El Wak and Mandera. El WakRead More →

Jeffery Kempson I stepped out of the Affretair sanctions busting cargo DC-8 at Schipol airport in Amsterdam. It had been a good night flight on the jump seat from Salisbury, with cargo stops at Nairobi, Cairo, and a mid-morning stop at Zurich. I had sent some cargo business Affretair’s way,Read More →

Guy Leitch There is a hoary old adage – that you can fool most of the people most of the time. And that’s enough to raise lots of money for screwball ideas. The Pegasus, a VTOL business jet that is nothing more than a computer graphic comes to mind. AnotherRead More →

Story & images – Laura McDermid On Saturday, 27 January, EAA Chapter 322 etched its name in history by hosting the inaugural Young Aviators initiative. This incredibly worthwhile initiative differs from the well-known EAA Young Eagles program, which is dedicated to introducing and inspiring children to aviation through free introductoryRead More →