Wed 11 Nov, 2020. President Ramaphosa updated the country about the sale of alcohol, lockdown regulations and international travel.: “My Fellow South Africans…” Everyone in the tourism industry, and most people in general, had been wondering when international travel would resume, especially as we are approaching the festive season. It’sRead More →

Aviation authorities the world over have the responsibility of overseeing aviation safety and security as well as developing the aviation industries in their countries. Aviation safety and the development of aviation are two things that are mostly at loggerheads with each other: a terrific safety record can be achieved byRead More →

Survey Flying – This type of flying can be particularly satisfying because the benefits of accurate piloting and navigation are clearly reflected in the results.  In the ‘60s before the advent of modern technology such as satellites, drones, Lidar and related software most survey work was done using aircraft ofRead More →

Low flying is exhilarating and something that plenty of pilots do – or are tempted to do. Many pilots have come to grief carrying out low level manoeuvres when testosterone took over and attempts were being made to impress girlfriends.  In the air force low-flying is taught as an exercise.Read More →