Fighting Fuel Foolery This was meant to be the last of four articles persuading instructors, and everyone else, that they will have a longer and happier life if they understand this 20 point outline of the fuel system. But it’s not the last one. I underestimated how much more thereRead More →

More Fuelish Mistakes Instructors, instructors, instructors – this is for you (and everyone else). Most engine ‘failures’ aren’t – they are pilot failures. To a large extent this means instructor failures. Instructors are often not good at teaching the relationship between fuel management and life-expectancy. And, of course, to manageRead More →

If the carburettor is the heart of your aircraft – the fuel is its lifeblood. When an engine stops without warning or prodigal noises, the problem is that it’s not getting a steady supply of nice clean fuel. This is mainly for instructors – but fuel and its management areRead More →

Guy Leitch Pooleys Air Pilot Manual. Volume 4. The Aeroplane – General Knowledge British based Pooleys have become the industry standard for ab-initio flight training books in the UK and Europe. They have brought out Southern African editions of their Air Pilots Manual series and I have been reviewing oneRead More →

Guy Leitch asks the question in his Attitude for Altitude column. For years I have moaned about how crappy piston aircraft engines are. They are prohibitively expensive, yet have antiquated technology and are far less efficient and reliable than modern car engines. The modern car now has mature technology engineRead More →