Nov 20, 2020: At last week’s fall meeting – held in a virtual format – the EAA board of directors supported the ongoing planning efforts for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021, which will be held July 26-August 1 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.
Among those preparations are incorporating best practices for large public events that can be incorporated at Oshkosh next year.
Advance sales for admissions, camping, and other areas are currently open.
In addition, free youth admission, generously supported in part by The Boeing Company, will be continued in 2021, giving more families and young people the opportunity to fully enjoy the World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration!

OSHKOSH – The World’s Greatest Airshow.
For 51 weeks a year, EAA is an international community of more than 200,000 members that nurtures the spirit of flight through a worldwide network of chapters, outreach programs, and other events.
But for one week each summer, EAA members and aviation enthusiasts totaling more than 500,000 from 80 countries attend EAA AirVenture at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, where they rekindle friendships and celebrate the past, present, and future in the world of flight.
The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration has it all when it comes to aircraft. Warbirds. Vintage. Homebuilts. Ultralights. Some you would normally find in a hangar at your local airport, others so unique they are the only one of their kind.
You name it, there’s likely an example of it at Oshkosh.
For many, arriving at Oshkosh is a rite of passage that can only be satisfied by being one of the more than 10,000 aircraft flying in, landing at what becomes the busiest airport in the world.
Whether you’re an aviation enthusiast or an aviation novice, AirVenture has something for you. No matter what your age, you’ll be entertained, informed, and thrilled by the countless activities available that reflect “The Spirit of Aviation” all around.
Daily air shows: Aerobatics and pyrotechnics. Feature films at the Fly-In Theater. Forums, workshops, and demonstrations. KidVenture. Special programming at
Theater in the Woods: All of this, plus much, much more is included with your daily admission.
Add in the crowd-thrilling, show-stopping Night Air Show on Wednesday and Saturday night, and you have affordable fun for the entire family every day from sunup to well past sundown.
There is uniqueness to each AirVenture that keeps lifelong attendees coming back for more. You need to experience it to understand.
2021: July 26 – Aug 1
2022: July 25 – July 31
2023: July 24 – July 30
Based on 2019 Statistics:
Attendance: 642,000. 6.8 percent above 2018’s record total

Total aircraft: More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other airports in east-central Wisconsin. At Wittman alone, there were 16,807 aircraft operations in the 11-day period from July 19-29, which is an average of approximately 127 takeoffs/landings per hour.
Total showplanes: 2,758 including 1,057 homebuilt aircraft (including a record 592 homebuilt aircraft campsites), 939 vintage airplanes, 400 warbirds (6 percent increase), 188 ultralights and light-sport aircraft, 105 seaplanes (40 percent increase), 62 aerobatic aircraft, and 7 in other categories.
Camping: More than 12,300 sites in aircraft and drive-in camping accounted for an estimated 40,000 visitors.
Volunteers: More than 5,500 contributing in excess of 250,000 hours.
Commercial exhibitors: 863
Forums, workshops, and presentations: A total of 1,500 sessions attended by more than 75,000 people.
EAA aircraft flights: 3,051 people flew aboard EAA’s Ford Tri-Motors, while 3,173 people flew aboard EAA’s Bell 47 helicopters and 669 flew aboard EAA’s B-17 Aluminum Overcast.
Social media, internet, and mobile: More than 17.6 million people were reached by EAA’s social media channels during AirVenture; EAA’s website had more than 2.1 million page views; EAA video clips during the event were viewed 4.5 million times; and EAA’s 2,740 photo uploads were viewed more than 13.3 million times. Additionally, EAA web streams were accessed more than 1.6 million times by viewers in more than 200 countries, who watched more than 315,000 hours of activities from the AirVenture grounds. The AirVenture app was downloaded and used by nearly 47,000 attendees. EAA Radio reached more than 104,000 listeners in 158 countries with 6,735 hours of audio, and more than 47,000 viewers of 405,000 minutes of streaming video.
Guests registered at International Visitors Tent: A record 2,772 visitors registered from 93 nations, also a record total (actual counts are higher since international visitor registration is voluntary). Top countries represented by registered visitors: Canada (561 visitors), Australia (386), and South Africa (177).
The Gathering shines: The EAA Aviation Foundation’s annual event to support its aviation education programs attracted some 1,400 people and raised more than $2.8 million that will be focused on EAA’s mission of growing participation in aviation.
Media: 851 media representatives on-site, from six continents.
Economic impact: $170 million for the five counties in the Oshkosh region.