The co-founder of Lift Airlines, Gidon Novick, has responded to the claims made by attorney Johan Botha by pointing out the following:

  • Global Aviation Operations (Pty) Ltd (Global) does in fact have current and valid AOC for 2020. This is easily verifiable on Global’s website
  • The Lift Airline brand is simply a marketing name for Global Airline operations
  • Lift Airlines PTY LTD is a dormant company – it generates no revenue nor expenses; it simply holds the trading name for the airline.
  • The Air services Act allows a licence holder to use various trading names (which it describes as aliases) and is aware of Global trading under this name
  • Customer communication on the LIFT web site as well terms and conditions make it very clear that the customer is contracting with Global

Novick says, “Based on the initial public response to LIFT and its affordable fares and ticket flexibility – there is clearly a great need for a fresh new airline and importantly an employment creator in an industry that has been decimated this year. I’d imagine there are competitors out there who won’t be our biggest fans, but this is normal in the life of a disruptive start up business”.