SA Flyer’s August issue will be producing a first-time ever dedicated digital “Meet the
CEOs of Aviation” Profile Guide.
Sales Manager Wayne Wilson says, “We are taking the opportunity to give something back
to those struggling under Covid-19, so will be donating to a charitable cause of your choice.
“We have all felt the devastation of COVID-19, and we want to make a small difference in the
lives of those less fortunate, by pledging a portion of the proceeds from this CEO Guide to
any foundation or charity of your choice.
For this, SA Flyer will pledge 10% of the total income received from this Guide to your
preferred charity or foundation – please furnish us with your choice.
We will work on a full disclosure basis, whereby, as we receive payments, we will furnish
each individual company with our proof of payment to their requested charity or foundation.
Once all payments have been received, we will also disclose in an upcoming issue of SA Flyer
exactly how much money was raised and donated, with mention of all the companies who
made this possible, including your logo.
Not only is this an excellent opportunity for CEO, company and brand recognition and
marketing exposure, but it is also for a good cause – let’s help the less fortunate together!
• This Guide will be promoted on all of the following digital marketing platforms –
available to read and share with the world for free:
o It will be uploaded onto our main home landing page of our new innovative
dynamic information-rich website news feed
o Our Facebook page, where SA Flyer has by far the largest number of
followers for an African Aviation Facebook page
o An Email blast to thousands of our key contacts & decision makers – this
includes the local aviation community and each and every CAASA member.
• Your CEO profile within our digital magazine will include a hyperlink on your company
website address.
Herewith the CEO Profile Guide options and costs (excluding V.A.T):
• Half page horizontal at R5,200 / or your currency equivalent. Normal cost is R6,500.
• Full page at R9,200 / or your currency equivalent. Normal cost is R11,500.
What we need for your CEO Profile:
• A high resolution picture of your CEO (jpeg or pdf format).
• A High resolution version of your company logo (jpeg or pdf format).
• Full name of your CEO.
• Full company name.
• Full contacts details of your company; i.e. website address, email address and contact
• Your CEO profile – 150 words for the half page profile option or 300 words for the
full page profile option.
• Should you prefer supplying us with your ready-made CEO profile, please note our
page specs for a half page is 180mm x 126mm (no bleed required) and a full page is
210mm x 297mm with no bleed required.
Booking and material deadline date is latest 23rd July 2021.
Reply “YES” with your size option to reserve your spot.
Click below to view our current issue:
Please feel free to contact me should you require any further assistance.