Heavily Oversubscribed

University of Cape Town’s Distinguished Professor Philippe Salazar’s Master’s and PhD Aviation Law courses advertised in SA Flyer in August 2020 have been heavily oversubscribed.

Prof Salazar writes, “We have received many applications from airline pilots to lawyers and the industry, and from quite a variety of countries. Now the triage process begins especially for those who applied on the basis of professional competence without a university degree.  Applications for the 2021 academic year are closed.  If you are interested in applying for 2022, applications open on 1 April 2021 and close on 31 August 2021.”

To be part of this prestigious course, first,  make contact,  ahead of time (June will do) with Distinguished Professor Salazar to make sure your application stands a good chance  not to be rejected for lack of documents or a proper Statement of Interest (very important): Send it to philippe.salazar@uct.ac.za.

Prof Salazar adds: “You can also get an idea of the form you’ll have to fill in and documents required by contacting the Faculty manager for postgraduate studies, Ms Patricia Phillips: patricia.phillips@uct.ac.za. It will help getting things ready ahead of time.

Pilots without a previous academic degree at the level of the prerequisite (usually BHon for M, LLB for LLM, M for PhD) are urged to talk to Prof Salazar as they will apply on the basis of a recognition of competence and this implies building a serious case.

As you may know some EASA member countries (France for instance) recognise some pilot licences as equivalent to some university degrees, under certain conditions. In SA there is no such national framework, so each case will be looked at singularly.”