THERE IS VERY GOOD NEWS for aspiring pilots. The pilot shortage is going to reach critical levels in the next few years, driving up pay and working conditions as airlines compete to attract and retain pilots. Facebook forum FlyAfrica has many senior and former pilots. A recent discussion is insightful:Read More →

Aug’21 – SOUTH AFRICA IS THE MOST AMAZING LAND OF CONTRASTS. There are the obvious terrible contrasts: specifically that we have the highest Gini coefficient of inequality in the world. The ANC government has failed dismally to uplift the poor, so the old African truism; “The rich get richer, whileRead More →

01 December 2020, Johannesburg – Airlink, the independent and privately-owned airline, notes with disappointment, but respect, the Supreme Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss its claim against South African Airways (SAA) with costs. This follows Airlink’s application to the Johannesburg High Court in January for leave to sue the state-owned airline,Read More →

We have officially changed our company name from “SA Airlink” to “Airlink”, as part of our strategy to distinguish ourselves as a totally independent airline. Airlink, the privately-owned airline, has officially changed its company name from “SA Airlink” to “Airlink”, as part of its strategy to distinguish itself as aRead More →