POSITION REPORT (SAFlyer June 2021) – ‘INDUSTRY NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED FROM STUPID GOVERNMENT’ THERE IS AN ENDURING PERCEPTION in Africa that general aviation (GA) is the plaything of rich whites. So we continue to lose airports to population pressure and land hunger. This is exacerbated by the location ofRead More →

This report is to promote aviation safety and not to establish legal liability. The CAA’s report contains padding, repetition, poor English and incompetence. So, in the interest of clarity and readability, I have had to correct and paraphrase extensively. Aircraft Registration: ZS-KMS Time of Accident: 12 September 2012 0545Z TypeRead More →

African recovery and return to economic growth following the Covid-19 pandemic presented a significant opportunity to the general aviation sector across the continent, but particularly in South Africa, SA Flyer editor Guy Leitch pointed out when he was addressing the Commercial Aviation Association of Southern Africa’s virtual 2020 symposium. “South African general aviation isRead More →