Recreational pilots may be forgiven for sometimes thinking that airline pilots have a boring job, flying the same routes, day in and day out, to strict procedures, while maximising fuel efficiency to keep the bean-counters happy. HOWEVER, EVEN WITH AIRLINE FLYING, there are opportunities for pilots to have a bitRead More →

As the Covid-19 lockdown lifted, a number of flying clubs seized the opportunity to get their members back in the air by organising fly-ins.  Members of the informal Zandspruit Flying Club in Hoedspruit managed to arrange a small but particularly noteworthy fly-in. Stars of the fly-in were the two Harvards from the well-known Balding Eagles collection in Hekpoort.   Of particular note was the first appearance of the Harvard called Popeye. This Harvard has benefittedRead More →

You can experience the thrill of spending a night on a Boeing, overlooking the African bushveld and the northern Drakensberg mountains. The dream became a reality for Martin den Dunnen and wife Tracy in March 2019 when time, opportunity, and passion collided and a Boeing 737 ZS-BIL was purchased. The AerotelRead More →

Located in South Africa’s Safari hub of Hoedspruit, Safari Moon is a boutique base from which to discover the wonders of South Africa’s Lowveld region. Safari Moon Luxury Bush Lodge is the latest venture of esteemed designer and decorator, Nicola Leitch: an avid collector of art and all things interesting.Read More →