As we find ourselves commencing another Gregorian Calendar-defined trip around the sun on Space Ship Earth, a review of expectations for this orbit may be in order. In our over-optimistic, typically human assumption of being able to control, regulate and measure everything around us, the Gregorian Calendar evolved from theRead More →

Siebrits het gesê hy sal Donderdagaand tydens die besigheidskamer se netwerkaand die hele situasie meer breedvoerig verduidelik. TUINROETE NUUS – ‘n Verdere ekonomiese ramp tref Oudtshoorn aan die einde van November as die Aifa-vliegskool hulle huidige studente na George verskuif.  Volgens Pikkie Siebrits, hoof uitvoerende beampte van Aifa, is ditRead More →

Call for Applications for the DSI-CSIR Inter-Bursary Support Programme 2021. CAASA are looking for students in Aerospace and Composites.  The application forms are available online, you can find all the details (and links) in the below email. The closing date for applications is 23 October 2020.  NO late applications will be considered. Yolandi or Sam can be contacted at theRead More →

If you were the CFI, what could you have done differently in this situation? (Above picture is not the accident aircraft discussed) CFI/Student: Runway Over-run On Landing We found the following NASA ASRS report, written in 2018. A CFI flying with a student practicing landings describes a runway overrun event that, fortunately,Read More →

On the 23rd of June 2020 at about 0745 local time ZT REF was on a training flight at Wonderboom Airport. During an autorotation initiated at 5000 ft, the oil pressure light illuminated and the ERPM gauge indicated under 50%. A hard landing resulted and the machine rolled over. ThereRead More →